Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Mirror Monologue : Love Is A credit Card

Here I stand in front of the mirror asking myself..."what went wrong in my love life?” . As people often say how lucky I am to have the 'package' and I can have anyone that I desire. Wow! A very flattering compliments indeed but hardly for me to believe nor accept (ker angkat bakul sendiri ni?hahaaa). Being in and out of a relationship wears me out consistently.

I admit that it’s not hard for me to further on with my life but the damages does not vaporizes like drips of water diving the blazing flame. There’s much to be done, to amend and to rectify. Sometimes we might take extreme measures just to cope up with our miseries and misfortunes.

Love is a credit card. When we first got our brand new credit card, the joy was greatly extreme with a feeling that conquers the world; ready to take on anything that’s on our path (naïve?). If we notice, the feelings are as same when we were new in a relationship or in love; a definite sense of freedom and pleasure invades.

Symbolizing love as a credit card, the story kicks off from here. We fast adhered ourselves to it, feeling so much blessed that it’s always on our side whenever or wherever we needed it. It copes up to our needs and desires which ultimately brings us to that worldly pleasures.

Period of love is like heaven on earth; seeing each other almost every second of the time invites more closeness. Sharing all interest and likes, family and career, hopes and dreams. Going out for movies or just dine out are routines. Every word said flawlessly pampers the heart and soul like a sacred vow promising endless love.

Sitting next to us, the tender touch shows how much they care and the protectiveness that secures us of any uncertainties. A look into their eyes, it displays passions like an everlasting flame. Reality check; flames do fades out eventually, leaving behind ashes and debris, lifeless and abandoned. The irony…Credit card; reaches its credit limit and deemed useless, leaving you mounts of bills and depts. As for love; when passions started to slip away, all that’s left are bitterness, loneliness and tears.

Yes…we always dream to live our lives to the fullest and often we are blindsided by the idea. Instead of living life to the fullest we should just make a full use of our lives; rationally…

p/s: apa saja yg aku repekan nih..but at times there’s a truth to it..!

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